
Convertors are a group of growing applications that help convert files from a foreign format to the format used by Streamz.



This convertor is designed to read the Eclipse Simulator (Schlumberger) UNSMRY and SMSPEC files and the input DATA file to create a corresponding Stream file based on certain options. It is the main utility to get Eclipse production results into Pipe-It. It has existed since 1999 and continuously improved to keep pace with the evolution of Eclipse.

Command Line Arguments

Argument Description
-a Date to Phase-in model. Used to shift time variables.
-b Only used, if input file is using different byte-order.
-c Characterization name.
-d ECLIPSE input .dat file.
-e Date to end output of results. Used to output part results.
-f Reference date. Use to adjust time variables in multi-model scenarios.
-g Gas injection present (non-use = OFF).
-k Key grouping option, takes comma-separated list without spaces.
-l Calculation level. [g, w, c].
-m Path mapping definition file, tab-delimited, multiline, format: old_path[tab]new_path[new line]old_path2[tab]new_path2
-o Output .str file (main output of this utility).
-p Input pvt file. For use in getting BO output from Comp runs. Need to provide equivalent BO data file or pvt file containing BOPVT data.
-r Restart date. Date to start output of results. Used to output part results.
-s ECLIPSE Input UNSMRY file.
-t Minimum time step. Skips times steps less than this (in days).
-T Find and run tests (used with special Test Bench setup).
-v Error level output. -v [err | warn | info | debug].
-w Name of water component.
-x Use settings from .psm file (for backward compatibility - ignores all other cmd args).
-h Command line help.

A Scripter Assistant Utility is available on the toolbar for its easy usage:




PreEcl will read an Eclipse data and write to an Eclipse summary include file. The purpose is to ensure that the Eclipse data set includes request for writing out all necessary output vectors to the UNSMRY file to enable Pipe-It to later convert it to stream file format. An include file, specified by the -s argument below, is created containing the keywords. A new DATA file, specified by the -o argument, is also created containing an INCLUDE statement pointing to this include file. Otherwise the content of the new DATA file is identical to the original input DATA file.

Command Line Arguments

Argument Description
-d ECLIPSE Original Input (*.DATA) file.
-o ECLIPSE Updated Input (*.DATA) file with include keyword.
-s ECLIPSE Include (*.SUMMARY) file.
-l Calculation level. -l [g | w | c].
-m Path mapping definition file, tab-delimited, multiline, format.
-x Use settings from .psm file (for backward compatibility - ignores all other cmd args).
-T Find and run tests (used with special Test Bench setup).
-v Error level output. -v [err | warn | info | debug].
-h Command line help.

If the data file contains a BLACKOIL keyword it will proceed to add the following set of keywords (depending on the calculation level) to the summary include file:

Keyword Descriptione Calculation level
FOPR Field oil production rate f
FGPR Field gas production rate f
FOPT Field oil production total f
FGPT Field gas production total f
FOPRS Field solution oil production rate f
FGPRS Field solution gas production rate f
FOPTS Field solution oil production total f
FGPTS Field solution gas production total f
FPR Field pressure f
FWPR Field water production rate f
GOPR Group oil production rate f, g
GGPR Group gas production rate f, g
GOPT Group oil production total f, g
GGPT Group gas production total f, g
GOPRS Group solution oil production rate f, g
GGPRS Group solution gas production rate f, g
GOPTS Group solution oil production total f, g
GGPTS Group solution gas production total f, g
GWPR Group water production rate f, g
WOPR Well oil production rate f, g, w
WGPR Well gas production rate f, g, w
WOPT Well oil production total f, g, w
WGPT Well gas production total f, g, w
WOPRS Well solution oil production rate f, g, w
WGPRS Well solution gas production rate f, g, w
WOPTS Well solution oil production total f, g, w
WGPTS Well solution gas production total f, g, w
WBHP Well BHP pressure f, g, w
WWPR Well water production rate f, g, w
WGIR Well gas injection rate f, g, w, i
WWIR Well water injection rate f, g, w, i
COFR Connection oil flow rate f, g, w, i, c
CGFR Connection gas flow rate f, g, w, i, c
COFRS Connection free oil flow rate f, g, w, i, c
CGFRS Connection free gas flow rate f, g, w, i, c
BPR Block pressure f, g, w, i, c
CWFR Connection water flow rate f, g, w, i, c

If the BLACKOIL keyword is not encountered, it will add the following set of keywords (depending on the calculation level):

FOPR Field oil production rate f
FGPR Field gas production rate f
FOPT Field oil production total f
FGPT Field gas production total f
FZMF Field stream mole fraction f
FXMF Field liquid mole fraction f
FYMF Field vapour mole fraction f
FHMPR Field hydrocarbon molar production rate f
FPR Field pressure f
FWPR Field water production rate f
GOPR Group oil production rate f, g
GGPR Group gas production rate f, g
GOPT Group oil production total f, g
GGPT Group gas production total f, g
GZMF Group stream mole fraction f, g
GXMF Group liquid mole fraction f, g
GYMF Group vapour mole fraction f, g
GHMPR Group hydrocarbon molar production rate f, g
GWPR Group water production rate f, g
WOPR Well oil production rate f, g, w
WGPR Well gas production rate f, g, w
WOPT Well oil production total f, g, w
WGPT Well gas production total f, g, w
WZMF Well stream mole fraction f, g, w
WXMF Well liquid mole fraction f, g, w
WYMF Well vapour mole fraction f, g, w
WHMPR Well hydrocarbon molar production rate f, g, w
WBHP Well bottom hole pressure f, g, w
WWPR Well water production rate f, g, w
CCFR Connection component flow rate f, g, w, c
BPR Block pressure f, g, w, c
COPR Connection oil production rate f, g, w, c
CGPR Connection gas production rate f, g, w, c
CWPR Connection water production rate f, g, w, c

The converter updates the output file (from -o) with an include statement for the summary file (from -s). It finally traverses the group tree structure and writes keywords for the corresponding level back to the summary file.

A Scripter Assistant Utility is available on the toolbar for its easy usage:



Pre_Ecl and Ecl2Str use a common library for parsing Eclipse files. This parser will only recognize keywords that are relevant for converting data to Streamz files. The parser scans the input in a line by line manner and ignores comments and unrecognized keywords. This can potentially have side effects if a recognized keyword is also a parameter for an unrecognized keyword. When used from Pre_Ecl, the eclipse parser will read and attempt to parse the following keywords:

Section Recognized keywords

If Pre_Ecl is unable to interpret data associated with required fields, it will generate an error to the console and exit. The eclipse parser can in some cases define default values for omitted data. In these cases, the parser will log this to the console.



Sen2Str is similar to Ecl2Str in that both read production data from binary files of reservoir simulators. Sen2Str does this task for the SENSOR (Coats Engineering) simulator. Two modes are available, one for the fort.74 binary file and the other for the fort.61 binary file.

fort.74 Command Line Arguments

Argument Description
-b Only use if fort.74 file is big endian.
-c Characterization name.
-d Sensor input .dat file.
-g Gas injection present (non-use = OFF).
-o PVT file (.out, .chr)
-p Sensor fort.74 file (needs PSM keyword in Sensor .dat file).
-r Restart day (used to specify start of T2 in STR file).
-s Output .str file (main output of this utiity).
-T Find and run tests (used with special Test Bench setup).
-x Use settings from .psm file (for backward compatibility - ignores all other cmd args).
-h Command line help.

fort.74 Command Line Options

[--bigendian] Only use if fort.74 file is big endian
[--help] Command line help (this output you are seeing now)

fort.61 Command Line Arguments

Argument Description
-p Sensor fort.61 file.
-s Output .str file (main output of this utiity).
-r Restart day (used to specify start of T2 in STR file).

fort.61 Command Line Options

--well Export well records.
--platform Export platform records.
--region Export region records.
--superregion Export superregion records.
--field Export field records.
--tracer Export tracer section from Fort.61. Each combination of cptname and name are exported as a separate file. The filename is prefixed "tracer_".

A Scripter Assistant Utility is available on the toolbar for its easy usage of either mode:


SENSOR based Pipe-It project where the normal mode (Fort.74) and fort.61 mode is used. The corresponding Scripts are shown below.


txt2Str is an application which will convert well formatted tabular text files to stream files.

Input and Output

  1. Text files separated by a delimiter
  1. Standard characterization file

Output: If successful, a well formatted stream file will be created as output.


Txt2Str currently supports the following delimiters. Txt2Str defaults to comma as the delimited, but that can be changed to any of the following by using the command line option -d followed by any of the following Short or Text keywords.

Short keyword Text keyword Description
, Comma Comma-separated file, typically csv files
\t Tabulation Tab-separated file
; Semicolon Separated by semi-colon
: Colon Separated by colon
# Hash Separated by the hash sign

Command line options

Required parameters Description
-i Tabular delimited input file
-c Characterization file
-o Output file

Optional parameters Description Default Valid values
-d Delimiter , delimiters
-g If on, txt2Str will try to guess variable type Off 'On' or 'Off'
--numRowsToCheck The number of rows txt2Str will parse to try to guess units 100 Integer greater than 0
--skipPreHdr Number of rows to skip before reading header row 0 Integer greater than 0
--skipPostHdr Number of rows to skip before reading data rows 0 Integer greater than 0
--compUnit Component type AMOUNT AMOUNT, VOLUME, MOLES, MASS


A txt2Str script is available in the Pipe-It's Toolbar for easy access.

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